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Heliyon ; 10(7): e28868, 2024 Apr 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38601612


Recently, there has been a growing interest in emotional wellbeing, even from the early stages of education. In order to work wellbeing among the students it is essential to analyze the wellbeing of the teachers who are teaching and working with the children. This study examines psychological wellbeing in early childhood (0-6 years) and primary school teachers (6-12 years). The study comprised 236 early childhood and primary school teachers - 76 men (32.2%) and 160 women (67.8%) - with ages ranging from 25 to 61 years (average 37.69 years - s.d.=2.47). The study examined psychological wellbeing (happiness, eudemonic wellbeing, self-esteem, and life satisfaction) and several sociodemographic variables (gender, age, years in the job, type of contract, and educational stage). Participants answered an ad-hoc sociodemographic questionnaire and subjective happiness, eudemonic wellbeing, self-esteem, and life satisfaction standard questionnaires. Early childhood schoolteachers yielded higher wellbeing-related scores. All the wellbeing-related variables were found to be correlated with one another, except for happiness and self-esteem. Teachers working in different educational stages were found to yield significantly different wellbeing-related scores. For the first time, network analysis revealed differences in the associations of the variables under study among Early Childhood Education and Primary Education teachers. Thus, while happiness and satisfaction with life were found to be correlated in both groups, stronger correlations between self-esteem and eudaimonic wellbeing were found in early childhood education teachers, while in primary education teachers the correlation was with satisfaction with life, which indicates that early childhood teachers present greater spiritual and existential understanding, leading to eudaimonic wellbeing. These differences between educational stages are considered greatly significant. It was concluded that more research is needed, ideally with broader and longitudinal studies, to understand and describe the relationship between personal and even structural variables and wellbeing.

An. psicol ; 40(1): 76-84, Ene-Abri, 2024. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-229029


Los estilos de crianza (autoritario, democrático, permisivo y negligente) juegan un papel clave en el desarrollo personal y pueden estar relacionados con creencias y afectos agresivos en el individuo. Para examinar esta relación, 769 sujetos (359 hombres; 46.68%), con una edad promedio de 21.89 años, DT= 2.65, fueron evaluados en términos de estilos de crianza, creencias agresivas y afectos; También se exploró el papel mediador de los afectos en la relación entre creencias agresivas y estilos de crianza. El estudio reveló que estos constructos están interrelacionados. Se encontró que el estilo de crianza democrático era el más extendido. En términos de género, los estilos autoritativos se utilizaron con mayor frecuencia en hombres que en mujeres, entre los cuales el estilo permisivo fue el más común. No se encontraron diferencias de género significativas en cuanto a los estilos de crianza democráticos y negligentes. Se reveló que las mujeres estaban más expuestas a los afectos negativos y que las creencias agresivas eran más prevalentes en los hombres. Los niños educados según un estilo democrático obtuvieron puntuaciones más altas en afectos positivos y más bajas en creencias agresivas. Los estilos autoritativos tienden a conducir a puntuaciones superiores a la media en afectos positivos y creencias agresivas. Además, una de cada cinco personas educadas según un estilo permisivo obtiene una puntuación alta en afecto negativo, y una de cada cuatro personas educadas según un estilo negligente obtiene puntuaciones altas en creencias agresivas. Finalmente, se descubrió que los estilos de crianza tienen un efecto directo sobre las creencias agresivas, efecto potenciado por el papel mediador que desempeñan los afectos. En conclusión, el estudio sugiere que los estilos de crianza están relacionados con creencias y afectos agresivos. Además, se demostró que los afectos desempeñan un papel mediador en la relación entre los estilos de crianza y las creencias agresivas. Finalmente, vale la pena enfatizar que, debido a las implicaciones de gran alcance que los estilos de crianza tienen en el desarrollo psicológico, social y personal del individuo, es necesario realizar más investigaciones, no sólo para examinar su relación con los afectos y las creencias agresivas, sino también también con otras variables psicológicas implicadas en el desarrollo personal.(AU)

Parenting stiles (authoritative, democratic, permissive and ne-glectful) play a key role in personal development and can be related to ag-gressive beliefs and affects in the individual. In order to examine this rela-tionship, 769 subjects (359 men; 46.68%), with an average age of 21.89 years, SD= 2.65, were assessed in terms of parenting styles, aggressive be-liefs and affects; the mediating role of affects in the relationship between aggressive beliefs and parenting styles was also explored. The study re-vealed that these constructs are interrelated. The democratic parenting style was found to be the most widespread. In terms of gender, authorita-tive styles were used more often on men than on women, among which the permissive style was the most common. No significant gender differ-ences were found concerning democratic and neglectful parenting styles. Women were revealed to be more exposed to negative affects, and aggres-sive beliefs were found to be more prevalent in men. Children educated according to a democratic style scored higher in positive affects and lower in aggressive beliefs. Authoritative styles tend to lead to above-average scores in positive affects and aggressive beliefs. In addition, one in five people educated according to a permissive style returns a high negative af-fect score, and one in four people educated according to a neglectful style yields high scores in aggressive beliefs. Finally, parenting styles were found to have a direct effect on aggressive beliefs, an effect enhanced by the me-diating role played by affects. In conclusion, the study suggests that parent-ing styles are related to aggressive beliefs and affects. In addition, affects were shown to play a mediating role in the relationship between parenting styles and aggressive beliefs. Finally, it is worth emphasising that, owing to the far-reaching implications of parenting styles on the psychological, so-cial and personal development of the individual, more research needs to be undertaken, not only to examine their relationship with affects and aggres-sive beliefs, but also with other psychological variables involved in person-al development.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Crianza del Niño , Responsabilidad Parental , Violencia , Psicología Infantil , Psicología Educacional
Acta Psychol (Amst) ; 245: 104218, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38493712


Wellbeing is determined by happiness and both positive and negative affects. These constructs are, in turn, related to emotional intelligence and play an important role in individual behaviour. This study examined the relationship between happiness, emotional intelligence, and positive and negative affects in a sample of 344 (121 men 35.17 % and 223 women 64.83 %) trainee teachers, with an average age of 22.36 years. Happiness and affects yielded lower values, which may be related to the age of the participants. All variables under study were found to be correlated, which suggests that they are measuring the same construct: subjective wellbeing. Network analysis indicated that the self-regulation of emotions was the axial factor in the relationship. Finally, it was found that only the factor of emotional intelligence that measures the self-regulation of emotion and affects (both positive and negative) can be used to predict happiness. The present investigation reveals that more research is needed that takes more variables into consideration to describe the effect of these variables on personal wellbeing. The study offers empirical support to models that argue for a relationship between happiness, emotional intelligence, and affects, and emphasises the need to work on future teachers during their training to address their psychological wellbeing.

Emociones , Felicidad , Masculino , Humanos , Femenino , Adulto Joven , Adulto , Emociones/fisiología , Inteligencia Emocional/fisiología
Heliyon ; 9(4): e15300, 2023 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37089307


COVID-19 lockdowns involved radical changes in the habits and lifestyles of many. Notably, athletes saw their training routines altered. The relationship between lockdown effects and psychological variables was analysed using a sample comprising 1032 cyclists (average age: 42.97 years, s.d. = 8.94), taking part in the first cycling competition after lockdown. The target variables included psychological variables such as frustration tolerance, subjective vitality, autonomy self-determination, and affective status, as well as sociodemographic and training habits-related variables. The results showed that the constructs under analysis are related. Pre- and post-competition psychological variables were measured, and no significant differences were detected, except concerning subjective vitality. A regression analysis model was designed to analyse the impact of frustration tolerance, autonomy self-determination, and affective status on subjective vitality. The results reveal a lineal relationship (F = 71.789, p < .001) between subjective vitality and a set of independent variables: positive affects; health status; km of training per year; and frustration tolerance, which explain 46.7% of variance. Finally, since the variable that measures subjective vitality was shown to be significant, mediation analyses were undertaken to answer our hypothesis, following the results of the exploratory analysis. The results suggest that frustration tolerance has a direct effect on subjective vitality, and that this relationship is mediated by positive affects, health status, and km of training per year. It is concluded that exercising increases subjective vitality, which is affected by frustration tolerance, positive affects, health status and km of training per year. In addition, it can be argued that these three variables mediate the relationship between frustration tolerance and subjective vitality. Finally, it is worth stressing that, given the positive effects of exercise not only in physical health but also in psychological, social and personal wellbeing, self-determined attitudes in training should be encouraged, as this promotes self-efficacy and self-satisfaction, in both training and competition settings.
